October 17th, 2007 at 04:57 pm
I just received an email from RewardTV saying I won the $50-a-day Sweepstakes! Basically, if you do a TV Trivia game, you get entered into the sweepstakes for that day. I did a TV game on 10/16 and I won!
I have to wait 6-8 weeks to get my check, but I'm so happy!!
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Money Earned
September 28th, 2007 at 02:35 pm
My first tip has been published on Daytipper.com!!
It's the "Good gifts for couples" tip under 9/27.
My other tip will be published on Sunday!
Plus, a tip I submitted earlier this week has been accepted. So, I look forward to receiving an email letting me know it is going to be published!
So, in 7-10 days, I'll have $6 to add to my Adobe fund!
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Adobe Fund,
Money Earned
September 25th, 2007 at 04:01 pm
I just received notice that my 2 accepted Daytipper.com Tips are going to be published. One on 9/27 and the other 9/30. This is so much sooner than I expected! Yeah. That'll be $6 more for my Adobe fund. I'll add it when it arrives.
This definitely is encouraging to submit more tips. I think I might have to keep submitting.
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Adobe Fund,
Money Earned
September 21st, 2007 at 03:50 pm
I'm adding $10 to my Adobe fund! I finally have actual cash to put into the fund. I helped one of my co-workers with some Excel stuff for his company and he wanted to pay me for helping him. I've decided it's going right towards my software!
I have another $90 coming when DH finally gets his paycheck. He ended up borrowing my birthday money b/c he wasn't getting paid until the 30th for the whole month. But, we found out he actually did get paid on the 15th. They just didn't have the correct address (which he submitted with his employee paperwork). So, the check should arrive real soon. So, I'll get the $90 back to put towards my fund.
Also, I've been completing a bunch of surveys. I probably have about $20 worth completed. But, I won't add the money to my fund until I actually have it.
Lastly, I've been working for my dad's company and he'll pay me when I've accumulated enough hours.
Previous Adobe Total: $0
New Adobe Total: $10
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Adobe Fund,
Money Earned
September 19th, 2007 at 09:33 pm
It's been a few days since I posted last. Things are going well.
DH and I spent some money this past weekend, but we kept it to necessities. Like new driver's licenses! But, seriously, we didn't go out to eat at all this weekend. For us, that is an accomplishment. Friday night we made some absolutely AMAZING nachos. Yummy, yummy, yummy!! Much better than we could have bought anywhere! The best part, we really only spent about $5 on a whole pan. It ended up being enough for two meals!
We did go to Aldi for some groceries. We stocked up on some stuff, but still only spent $34.
I've been completing surveys online for the past week or so and that is going really good. By the end of the year, it should give me a good amount of money towards my Adobe software.
Plus, my sister just asked me to help her one day in October with her business. It isn't guaranteed unless she gets people to sign up. But, she will pay me if she ends up needing my help!
Also, I've been doing some miscellaneous business stuff for my dad's company. So, when he pays me, that will go towards my Adobe software budget as well.
So, plans are in place to get that adding up.
I've also decided that once I buy my software, I'm going to put the money I earn from these type of activities into a clothing fund. I'll be starting teacher next fall and I'd LOVE to get new clothes. But, it really isn't a need. I have a good amount of dress clothes. At least enough. But, I'd love to have a few more items. I feel guilty pulling the money out of our paychecks because it is just not necessary. So, I'm hoping this plan works out.
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Adobe Fund,
Money Earned
August 30th, 2007 at 02:23 pm
Ok, I heard about this site from an online friend of mine. She had two tips accepted, so I thought I'd give it a try. I ended up submitting 8 tips one day last week.
So, I have received responses on all my tips. 6 were rejected, but 2 were accepted!
I don't get paid until they are published, which could be months. But, it still means I have $6 coming my way!
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Adobe Fund,
Money Earned